Participants will show honor and respect for the meaning and essence of Memorial Day, i.e. respectful conduct honoring those that sacrificed their lives while in service to our country.
Participants will obey the “laws of the land” regarding orderly and lawful gatherings.
Participants will respect and follow safety guidelines for parade, participants, and spectators.
Participants will respect noise, ordinances, and traffic laws.
Participants will not display any disrespect or violence toward any group(s), organization(s),person(s). This includes printed, written, verbal or physical actions.
Participants will not use or be under the influence of any behavior altering substances (before or during the Gold Star Parade). These substances include the use of alcohol, drugs, including marijuana. There will be no smoking or vaping on parade route.
Participants will respect the flag of the United States, the military and law-enforcement members.
Participants will show respect to all individuals or groups of individuals, regardless of their heritage, creed, color, race, sexual orientation, or gender.
Participants, by submitting entrance and participation in the Gold Star Memorial Day
Parade are freely doing so and therefore will not hold the Gold Star Memorial Day Parade Board responsible for any injury or illness.
Elected officials are welcome to take part in the Gold Star Memorial Day parade. There will be no political campaigning allowed before, during or after the parade.
All decisions for parade entries/sponsorships/donations will be decided by the Gold Star Memorial Day Parade Board. All decisions of the Gold Star Memorial Day Parade Board are final.
**Any candy or treats are to be handed to the parade audience by “walkers” in the parade – throwing candy from vehicles is not allowed for the safety of parade onlookers**